
eHealth-TeleMedicine involves real-time “virtual visits and monitoring” between patients and clinicians using compliant communications technology. Modern technology has enabled doctors to consult patients by using compliant video-conferencing (Phillips and GE equipment) and other secure data sharing information tools. This enables our clients to access a wider range of services at a lower cost per patient than may otherwise be available.

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e-ICU/ CCU/HDU e-Dialysis, e-Trauma (emergency) & pre-planned consultation with a large spectrum of renowned specialists. Our services provide innovative,        cost-effective answers for hospitals and patients globally seeking immediate 24/7 access to experienced specialists. Our eHealth-Telemedicine platform solution, allows hospitals to build an eHealth-Telemedicine program using their own physicians to suit their unique needs while leveraging our state-of-the-art technology and operating platform.

 The benefits are many but include

  • Improved patient outcomes.
  • Reduced medical transfers and the costs of these in terms
    • Of Patient.
    • Budget.
  • Better bed Utilization and Reduced Average Length of Stay (30%).
  • Reduced cost per patient.
  • Improved access to best in class ICU care.
  • Lower mortality (50-60%).
  • Fewer complications (30-40%).

The Medican Service Company eHealth-Telemedicine offering provides the ability to extend services that may not be immediately available due to a scarcity of specialist clinicians at a particular given time. Medical organisations who incorporate eHealth-Telemedicine into their practices can save their organisations time and travel expenses that they would otherwise incur without such technologies.